All Dangerous Things is a gripping thriller about a desperate mother with a troubled past. A year ago, Isabel Drake's life changed forever: her young son Mason was kidnapped from his crib in the middle of the night while she and her husband Ben were sleeping in the next room. The case has gained a huge resonance, but has remained unsolved for a year because the police lacked evidence. Isabelle has lost track of time and hardly sleeps, not knowing how to cope with this loss and Ben's betrayal. Her whole life now revolves around the search for her son. Hoping to bring a new witness to light, she agrees to an interview with a true-crime podcaster. However, his interest in Isabelle's past makes her nervous...
Tytuł: All dangerous things w.ukraińskaAutor: Stacey Willingham
Wydawnictwo: Vivat
ISBN: 9786171704985
Rok wydania: 2024
Ilość stron: 368